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Roasted Comparison - September 2024

1 Best Roasted In the UK

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Hides Fine Foods - Unsalted Roasted & Blanched Peanuts - 1kg - GMO - Free - Suitable for Vegetarians - Baking - Desserts - Cakes - Cookies - Cooking - Salads - Snacking


Hides Fine Foods


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  • 9.6
    Hides Fine Foods

    Hides Fine Foods - Unsalted Roasted & Blanched Peanuts - 1kg - GMO - Free - Suitable for Vegetarians - Baking - Desserts - Cakes - Cookies - Cooking - Salads - Snacking

    Main highlights
    • You can snack on them by themselves, or you can use them for both savoury and sweet recipes, with peanuts elevating meals with their creamy flavour. Why not try out some Asian-inspired dishes?
    • Unsalted Roasted & Blanched Peanuts are a great source of protein and good fat. Not only this, but they are so convenient and versatile. Peanuts are a family favourite, so definitely a staple.
    • Peanuts work wonderfully with chocolate, so why not try making a rocky road for the kids or some peanut cookies to go with a coffee. Peanut brittle is a great sweet treat, or why not go savoury?
    • Minimalistic food-grade packaging, made out of recyclable plastic. Minimum waste, maximum flavour. This family-run business is full of love, packed in the UK to the highest standard.
    • For the more health-conscious, nut butters are a brilliant way to get creative. They are a healthy way to start your day, easily customisable to suit your tastes with flavour combinations.

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